When we think of Portugal the last thing that we think of is Heavy Rain. That is until you own a property here.

If you own a property in Portugal you will no doubt spend more time here and experience the two wet season of the year.
Obviously some areas of Portugal are drier than others but we do get very heavy rain.
When we are talking to our clients about their new build of property renovation we always have to remind them that we need to take care of the heavy rain.
Tale or instance flat roofs, balconies, verandas and patios all have to be sealed properly and there must be the correct slopes to shed the water quickly. Even the more mundane things like calcada cobbled patios must be laid to a fall so that they do not get damaged by pooling water.
So it is best to prepare your home for such eventualities as storms and heavy rain while you are away and your Portuguese property is closed up.
Here are 5 tips.
1 Before you leave your property shut up make sure that the gutters and drains around your property are clear of dead leaves, ivy and other creepers and dirt.
2 Lower the water level in your swimming pool or even better have an overflow fitted so no matter what amount of rain comes your swimming pool will not overflow.
3 Check the condition of your flat roof, balcony, veranda and patio tiles if there is grout missing from between the tiles or worse plants growing out of them. Get them fixed before the heavy rains of the winter. Leaking flat roofs, balconies, verandas and patios can cause penetrating damp inside your property.
4 Check that your gutters and drain pipes are solidly fixed and not blocked. Leaking gutters are a major source of penetrating damp.
5 Ventilate your home – We understand that it feels right to lock all the internal doors from a security stand point but if you have no air circulation during periods of heavy rain you are increasing the likelihood of condensation build up inside your rooms.
Consider installing passive ventilation or even better a solar ventilation panel from Grammer Solar or SolarVenti.