dampfixpt,dampfix, cellulose, loose-fill imnsulation material, maximum thermal performance,R-value of insulation, R-value,cost of insulation in Portugal,seal air leaks,installing insulation,insulation Blanket,insulation batts, insulation rolls,Fiberglass,Mineral rock insulation, rock woolinsulation,Plastic fiber insulation,Natural fiber insulation,foundation wall,insulation,Floor insulation,insulation ceilings,insulation Fitted between studs,Do-it-yourself insulation,Concrete block insulation,insulating concrete blocks,Foam board insulation, foam beads insulation in concrete,Unfinished wall insulation,new construction insulation,major renovation insulation,Insulating outside,Foam board or rigid foam, Polystyrene insulation,Polyisocyanurate insulation.Polyurethane insulation,Foil insulation, film insulation,paper insulation fitted between studs,Cementitious insulation,Phenolic insulation,Insulating concrete forms (ICFs),Polyisocyanurate insulation,Blanket: Batt and Roll Insulation, Polyurethane insulation,High insulating value insulation

Bought an old house in Portugal

dampfixpt,dampfix, cellulose, loose-fill imnsulation material, maximum thermal performance,R-value of insulation, R-value,cost of insulation in Portugal,seal air leaks,installing insulation,insulation Blanket,insulation batts, insulation rolls,Fiberglass,Mineral rock insulation, rock woolinsulation,Plastic fiber insulation,Natural fiber insulation,foundation wall,insulation,Floor insulation,insulation ceilings,insulation Fitted between studs,Do-it-yourself insulation,Concrete block insulation,insulating concrete blocks,Foam board insulation, foam beads insulation in concrete,Unfinished wall insulation,new construction insulation,major renovation insulation,Insulating outside,Foam board or rigid foam, Polystyrene insulation,Polyisocyanurate insulation.Polyurethane insulation,Foil insulation, film insulation,paper insulation fitted between studs,Cementitious insulation,Phenolic insulation,Insulating concrete forms (ICFs),Polyisocyanurate insulation,Blanket: Batt and Roll Insulation, Polyurethane insulation,High insulating value insulation
Bought and old house in Portugal

Whether you call it a house, villa, quinta, quintal or Solar. If you have just bought an old house in Portugal it is very likely to exhibit the same problems.


Here are the five most common things to require attention by you after the sale.

1,         Keeping the rain out. There are probably broken roof tiles, a sagging timber roof that is causing the roof tiles to break. Before you start to replace the roof tiles with the exact equivalent tiles(this is important) check that the roof is structurally sound or call Castelo Construction to take a look first if you’re not sure what to look for.

2,         Windows and internal timber shutters may just paint up once you have killed the woodworm. Any timber window and door frames will no doubt need some attention or replacing. External shutters will need to be check without doubt as the sun dries them out making them twist.

3,         Wall bulges and settlement cracks. Don’t just shove an old newspaper in and point over you need to add strength to the crack to top it spreading in the winter. The rain will get into the cracked wall causing potentially calamitous problems.

4,         Insulation – We live in a hot country but we are very focused in keeping the heat in. It is true that if you keep the heat in in winter you will by default keep the heat out in summer it’s a real win/win situation. Insulating your old house in Portugal is very important. There are many people who having spent one cold miserable winter in an old damp Portuguese house have packed up never to return. Which is a shame as a little insulation would have solved the problem.

5,         Heating and lots of it. Don’t just rely on a couple of electric heaters. Our power supply can go off. Invest in a new or second had wood burning stove and make sure that it is big enough for the job 12-14KW

Dry, Warm and Snug in Portugal
