Reclaming and re using stone in Portugal

Reclaiming and reusing the existing stone

When you are carrying out renovations on an old stone house in Portugal its usual to think of reclaiming and reusing the existing stone from any demolition that you have done. It makes financial and ecological sense. When you start to saw, split or break the stones you may struggle to get the sort of finish that the people who first built the house achieved all those years ago.

This is very frustrating so I have been told. Back in those days they had time on their hands a lot of time…. Here’s a little trade secret the newly quarried stone that they used a hundred years ago or more was a lot softer than it has become today. The grain of the stone would have been easier to see the stone splitting more cleanly and the stone faces easier to work for approximately one week after quarrying. After this time the stone starts to set.

There are some modern tools available to help you achieve the same effect and with some skill and time it can be done it always amazes me that with a hit from a sledge hammer one of our guys can break a stone cleanly were he wanted it to break and I can hit it several times in a similar place and I all I get is rubble or a stone breaking at an obtuse angle. Unfortunately skills take a long time to acquire.

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